The Pack Mom’s Holiday Gift Guide

And these are a few of my favorite things….is the jingle from that famous song running through your mind? Are you still shopping for your fur kid? Or someone else’s? I have put together a Holiday Gift Guide to help! When it comes to my dogs, the simplest things make them happy. For my dog […]
16 Reasons to Enter The Pack Mom’s Ultimate Dog Bundle Holiday Giveaway

It was a happy day for my fur boys, Abe and Chico, when their Ultimate Dog Bundle arrived! We were asked to host a product review and giveaway for the Bramton Company, maker of Bags on Board, Vet’s Best, Simple Solution and the Out! brand. And, when the special delivery of dog […]
My Dog’s Voyce- A Health Monitor for Your Dog

A few months ago, I received an amazing device to help me monitor the health and activity of my mature furboy, Abe. Resting respiratory rate, resting heart rate, calories burned, activity and rest all safely measured and uploaded to a site which I can access anywhere, anytime. I am addicted. Check out […]