Archive for June, 2013
Pack Mom Daily Bite: How to Stop Your Dog from Tipping Food Bowls

My dogs are usually pretty good about not tipping their food bowls. Lifting the lid to our garbage can and making a mess however is another story. To Abe’s relief, I am saving that topic for another blog. Here are a few tips to stop your dog from tipping food bowls: 1. Keep […]
Pack Mom Profile- Candace Rose

Candace Rose Anderson: Pack Mom, Journalist, Photographer About Candace: At 10 years old, Candi already knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. A journalist! Her path remained crystal clear and when she graduated with a degree in Mass Communications she quickly landed internships at two top Sacramento news stations. In 2009 she […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Protect Your Dog from Animals in the Backyard

It’s summertime and most likely our dogs are spending more time outdoors. Abe and Chico are constantly wanting to be outside and if they had their way, I would have my doors open 24/7 letting in the 90+ degree heat. They also like to roam the backyard at night…and not come in when I call […]
Pack Mom Giveaway with ZUKE’S Supers

I am excited about this giveaway Pack Moms because not only do my dogs love Zuke’s (and many other dogs I know) but I admire Zuke’s for their commitment to healthy pets and a healthy environment. Zuke’s actually pays their employees to leave their cars at home and ride their bikes or scooters to […]