Dublin Dog- Pack Mom Approved
Dublin Dog is a company that caters to pet parents and dogs who embrace the motto: “Unleash Your Next Adventure.” All of their products are made for the pet parent and dog who like to explore the outdoors- together. We have found their products to be durable, eco-friendly and stylish. For our pack, […]
Pet Obesity and a Chihuahua Named Spooky
Sometimes the universe just smacks you right in the face. Yesterday morning I woke up thinking about (for the zillionth time) launching a pet weight loss program in my town, Tampa, FL. I can’t tell you the number of times I have considered this over the years. Then, a couple of hours […]
Walking Your Dog- Good for You, Your Dog and Your Relationship
Walking. That is what we do. Every morning and night, there we are- my husband, myself, our son in his stroller and our two furboys Abe and Chico. Sometimes it is hot as hades, other times it is sweater weather and sometimes it is drizzling rain (our son and at least one of our dogs […]
Furries and Fireworks- Fourth of July Pet Safety
Fourth of July Pet Safety is at an all time high. Although many dogs are unphased by fireworks, so many of them are shaking in their doggy boots. And, July 5 is the busiest day in animal shelters across the country. So many lost pets on July 4 and dumped at shelters the very […]