Category: Exercise
My Dog’s Voyce- A Health Monitor for Your Dog
A few months ago, I received an amazing device to help me monitor the health and activity of my mature furboy, Abe. Resting respiratory rate, resting heart rate, calories burned, activity and rest all safely measured and uploaded to a site which I can access anywhere, anytime. I am addicted. Check out […]
New Year, New Dog- The Pack Mom’s Puppy Survival Guide
It’s the beginning of February and many families are into their second month with a new dog. Right about now, they are most likely sleep deprived, minus one or a few pairs of shoes and just might be replacing a baseboard or two. The joys of puppy hood (sigh). So many of my clients go […]
Pet Obesity and a Chihuahua Named Spooky
Sometimes the universe just smacks you right in the face. Yesterday morning I woke up thinking about (for the zillionth time) launching a pet weight loss program in my town, Tampa, FL. I can’t tell you the number of times I have considered this over the years. Then, a couple of hours […]