Tag: Jenn Fadal Pet Expert
Zukes Treats for Dogs and Cats- Pack Mom Approved

Zukes treats for dogs and cats are some of the most consistently well received treats I have found on the market. As a retail store owner, I can tell you that Zukes treats always do well in taste tests. My two product approvers, Abe and Chico, find them to be drool worthy as do […]
Solvit Deluxe Telescoping Pet Ramp- The Pack Mom Review and Giveaway

My life as a pet parent has just been made so much easier. The Solvit Deluxe Telescoping Pet Ramp became a part of my world last month and since then I have bid adieu to the days of lifting my 65lb lab mix, Abe, in and out of my Honda Pilot! Chico, my 18lb lightweight, […]
PetBox is Here and My Pack is Thrilled

Our PetBox arrived last week to all of the usual fanfare. This is the third box we have received and my pack now knows exactly what the blue box by the front door means. All three get excited as soon as they spot it. Noses start sniffing wildly, paws go for the box and […]