Tag: Jenn Fadal Pet Wellness & Lifestyle Expert
Walking Your Dog- Good for You, Your Dog and Your Relationship

Walking. That is what we do. Every morning and night, there we are- my husband, myself, our son in his stroller and our two furboys Abe and Chico. Sometimes it is hot as hades, other times it is sweater weather and sometimes it is drizzling rain (our son and at least one of our dogs […]
Pet Peeves #1- The Chewing Habits of Dogs

Pet “peeves.” We love our pets, but let’s face it, they occasionally (or all the freaking time!) do things that make us want to run around in circles, chasing our own tail! Why do they do these things in the first place? How do we “fix” these behaviors? Do we even want to? Pet “Peeves” […]
Simple Solution Cat Litter Review and Giveaway

On my constant hunt to make life easier for pet parents and better for pets, I found Simple Solution cat litter. I first met the Simple Solution team at this year’s Global Pet Expo and was impressed with the concept of a 30 day odor free solution for the dreaded litter box. So […]