Tag: jennifer fadal
Pet Allergies and How to Relieve Them

Fleas, Flora and Food are all potential allergens that can plague our pets seasonally or year round. I know this first hand because I have two dogs allergic to both fleas and oak pollen! We battle pollen allergies from February through June every year! I am not alone in the battle. So many […]
New Year, New Dog- The Pack Mom’s Puppy Survival Guide

It’s the beginning of February and many families are into their second month with a new dog. Right about now, they are most likely sleep deprived, minus one or a few pairs of shoes and just might be replacing a baseboard or two. The joys of puppy hood (sigh). So many of my clients go […]
What You Need to Know About Deer Ticks, Lyme Disease and Your Pet

My brother’s ears will be burning tonight. Isn’t that the saying when someone knows you are talking about them? Or, is it said “their nose is itching?” Not sure, but either way. Sam, my dear brother, you are the hot topic! In all truthfulness, I told him that he would be the subject […]
National Dog Day- 5 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog

They are loyal, full of love and impact our lives every day. Today is National Dog Day- a day to celebrate the dogs in our lives and to think about dogs in shelters across our country. Have you considered adopting a dog? Here are 5 good reasons why to consider it: […]