Tag: Pet Obesity Prevention
Pet Obesity and a Chihuahua Named Spooky
Sometimes the universe just smacks you right in the face. Yesterday morning I woke up thinking about (for the zillionth time) launching a pet weight loss program in my town, Tampa, FL. I can’t tell you the number of times I have considered this over the years. Then, a couple of hours […]
Four Keys to Pet Health and Happiness
I am always excited when I can talk about pet wellness and ways to make our furkids happy and healthy from the inside out. In my opinion pet health and happiness boils down to four things. Exercise! Nutrition! Proactive healthcare! and LOVE!!! Yes, exclamation points are necessary! Like many of you, we are […]
Help Fido Burn More Calories with a Weighted Vest for Dogs
Does your dog need to lose weight, burn more energy or be better behaved? Walking your Fido with a weighted vest for dogs might be the answer you need!
Is Your Dog Fat? How to Get Your Dog to Lose Weight by Jenn Fadal
If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a sometimes rather hard headed Chihuahua mix named Chico. When we rescued Chico a couple of years ago he was obese. When he came waddling through my door that cold December day he brought with him much baggage: he weighed 25lbs, […]