Tag: puppies
16 Reasons to Enter The Pack Mom’s Ultimate Dog Bundle Holiday Giveaway

It was a happy day for my fur boys, Abe and Chico, when their Ultimate Dog Bundle arrived! We were asked to host a product review and giveaway for the Bramton Company, maker of Bags on Board, Vet’s Best, Simple Solution and the Out! brand. And, when the special delivery of dog […]
Noelle Priolo- Pack Mom and Go Red Spokeswoman

In February of 2013, I introduced you to fellow Pack Mom, Noelle Priolo, her pack and her mission to raise awareness for women’s heart health- specifically, Peripartum Cardiomyopothy PPCM (pregnancy related heart failure). See our first interview with Noelle here. Two years have passed and we are again in February, Women’s Heart Awareness Month. This […]
Pet Allergies and How to Relieve Them

Fleas, Flora and Food are all potential allergens that can plague our pets seasonally or year round. I know this first hand because I have two dogs allergic to both fleas and oak pollen! We battle pollen allergies from February through June every year! I am not alone in the battle. So many […]
New Year, New Dog- The Pack Mom’s Puppy Survival Guide

It’s the beginning of February and many families are into their second month with a new dog. Right about now, they are most likely sleep deprived, minus one or a few pairs of shoes and just might be replacing a baseboard or two. The joys of puppy hood (sigh). So many of my clients go […]