Category: Play
How to Pamper Your Pet in Style- The Pack Mom

Five star hotels, beauty treatments, gourmet cuisine and yes, even yoga are not reserved for the two legged anymore. Dogs(and cats too) are enjoying the finer things in life. They are the golden children of social media and the authors of popular blogs. They are vacationing all over the world and if they […]
Abe Turns Ten- Let’s Celebrate Senior Dogs- The Pack Mom

Today is the day. Well, so we estimate. Abe Fadal, our first son, turned ten. I write this feeling choked up. Just can’t believe ten years has passed so quickly. So much has changed but one thing remains the same. Our love for Abraham Francis Fadal. Senior dogs really do rock! We celebrated […]
The Pack Mom and Global Pet Expo

Most people head to Orlando, Fl to see Mickey Mouse and the gang, but each year at this time I go to attend Global Pet Expo, one of the largest expos in the country. In fact, out of 10,000 expos, Global Pet Expo ranks #72. It is a big show. As I […]
The Pack Mom’s Tip- How to Prevent Dogs from Reinjuring Themselves Again

In early 2012, my then 7 year old Abe, finally did it. He completely tore his cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) which is located in the knee. For my 65lb canine Olympian, this was devastating. But, when our doctor said that over 50% of dogs who tear one CCL would tear the other one […]