Tag: Tagg
Furries and Fireworks- Fourth of July Pet Safety

Fourth of July Pet Safety is at an all time high. Although many dogs are unphased by fireworks, so many of them are shaking in their doggy boots. And, July 5 is the busiest day in animal shelters across the country. So many lost pets on July 4 and dumped at shelters the very […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: How to Keep Your Dog From Being Stolen

Believe it or not, over two million pets are stolen a year and only about ten percent are ever actually returned. When I learned this I was shocked. Then I thought, well who would really want Abe or Chico 🙂 Or if they were taken, I am sure they would be returned asap. I joke, […]
Pet Halloween Safety

Tonight is the night pack moms. If you have human kids I am sure they just can’t wait to put on their costume and hit the door! But, if you have four leggers, they might not relish this holiday. Or, the opposite, might be too over eager to jump and lick every trick or treater. […]