Tag: blogpaws
Adopt a Senior Pet from an Animal Shelter this Month

Oh pack moms. Both of my dogs are turning ten next year. Abe, my animal shelter rescue, in March, and Chico, who was left tied to a fence at a baseball park, in April. Of course part of me wishes that I could turn back the clock but the other, larger part of me […]
Four Keys to Pet Health and Happiness

I am always excited when I can talk about pet wellness and ways to make our furkids happy and healthy from the inside out. In my opinion pet health and happiness boils down to four things. Exercise! Nutrition! Proactive healthcare! and LOVE!!! Yes, exclamation points are necessary! Like many of you, we are […]
The Best Halloween Costumes for Dogs

When eHow.com asked me to do a segment on the best Halloween costumes for dogs I immediately thought- safety first. My dog Abe loves to get dressed up, but my Chihuahua Chico hates anything on his back. So, instead of forcing something on him, he wears an orange collar 🙂 My pet costumer […]
Life- I’m All In

About ten years ago, my husband and I and our group of friends jumped on the poker bandwagon. We would host or attend dinner parties and end many late nights with round after round of poker, all with a whopping $5 buy in. I was always, without fail, the first one out of the […]