Tag: Jenn Fadal Pet Expert
Weekend Update- Events, Horses and Bouncy Balls

It is just about midnight as I write this and I am coming off of a long, fun-filled weekend. My parents were in town with their dog Maggie, we stuffed ourselves with pizza on Friday night and attended events the rest of the weekend. The collage above is a snapshot of our fun! In clockwise […]
The Power of the Dog Pack- Maggie May Makes Three

My parents come to visit often. They live just over an hour away, but it is far enough that when in town, they spend a couple of days. With them comes their 9lb dachshund, Maggie May, and all of her gear. This dog is so precious, so sweet and so SMALL! My Chico looks huge […]
Yesterday’s Update: Cameras, Cooking and Favorite Cat Tuna

Yesterday we started the day filming for eHow.com. I had help from a few canines to make the segments fun and c-r-a-z-y to shoot! Abe, Chico, Sierra and Teddy. Abe got into the garbage, Chico barked his butt off, Sierra ingested a toy and we had to induce vomitting and Teddy…was perfect 🙂 Our topics […]