Tag: Jenn Fadal Pet Expert
Dog Life- Abe and Chico’s World

I often get asked about my dogs. What do they eat? What do they play with? What do we do for exercise? This is one of my favorite subjects to talk about! Dog life and my boys. They are my heart. They make me laugh daily, give me good practice in patience […]
Special Pack Mom Price for a Fun Moms’ Night Out

Please join my friends at Mommybites at The New Yorker Hotel on Wednesday, May 1st at 6:00 PM for an evening of learning, socializing, & shopping. At The Mommybites Summit, the ULTIMATE Moms’ Night Out, you can enjoy wine and delicious food, mingle with other moms, win incredible prizes, check out parenting products & […]
Easter Baskets for Your Four Leggers

Tomorrow is Easter! I am scrambling to get everyone’s Easter Baskets made, there are special treats all over the house and my dogs’ noses are working overtime! Are you ready? If you want to fun Easter Baskets for your pets, here are a few recommendations: 1. Forego plastic grass! Rather, line your pet’s […]