Tag: Jenn Fadal Pet Expert
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Fido’s Fall Schedule

We are sadly saying goodbye to summer. I mean, instead of running to the start line we are c r a w l i n g, dragging our paws the entire way. You see, in my house, summer meant spending as much time playing, swimming, beaching and eating ice cream as possible. Dogs included. […]
Licks Supplements for Dogs- Pack Mom Approved

My distinguished gentlemen, my furkids, Abe and Chico are nine years old. Abe had surgery on his CCL (Cranial Cruciate Ligament) in 2012 and little man Chico was apparently born without a ball in his right hind leg hip socket! That or it degenerated over time. Geez. So, between the two of them, we […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Happy Holistic Pet Day!

From premium pet food to play dates and yes even doggy yoga, pet parents are not only spending extra money on their dogs and cats but many are taking a holistic approach to pet care. August 30 is National Holistic Pet Day and a good time to step back and take a look at how […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: How to Keep a Pug in Your Tub

Anthony, Joey and Rocky Awww, dog bath time. For some dogs, like my Chico, it isn’t a very welcomed event. Many dogs do love their water time though and everything that comes with it: the water, the spray, the extra love from mommy, the towel and especially the treats that might be flowing! But, […]