Tag: Jenn Fadal Pet Expert
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Organizing Tips for Pet Lovers Part 2- By Andrew Mellen

Andrew Mellen is back with part two of his Organizing Tips for Pet Lovers series. Helpful for me. Between my two dogs and my son, we have a lot of “stuff” around the house. I have to admit that more often than not, the lines get blurred between what belongs to the human boy and what […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Organizing Tips for Pet Lovers by Andrew Mellen

I am happy to reintroduce you to my friend Andrew Mellen. He is an organizer extraordinaire and his motto: “More Love Less Stuff” will help us simplify our home and life. Andrew sent me a great article on organizing tips for pet lovers. I found it helpful and easy to implement. I hope you do […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Dog Clothing Guide

Abe has a confession to make, he likes to dress up! This handsome nine year old still gets excited when he wears a new collar, his flower costume or shows off his bow tie. So cute. Since he is large and we live in steamy Florida, there really is no need for clothes on Mr. […]