Archive for July, 2013
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Leashes to Stop Dogs from Pulling
My dog Abe caused me to break my hand a number of years ago. The only bone I have ever broken in my 39 years of life! How? I was walking him on a flexi lead and he decided to chase a cat at night. The lead whizzed out, pulled me down to the sidewalk […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: How to Keep Your Dog From Being Stolen
Believe it or not, over two million pets are stolen a year and only about ten percent are ever actually returned. When I learned this I was shocked. Then I thought, well who would really want Abe or Chico 🙂 Or if they were taken, I am sure they would be returned asap. I joke, […]
Pack Mom Daily Bite: Socks for Dogs Who Have Trouble on Slippery Floors
I have to face the fact that my two boys are aging- gracefully making their way into senior-hood. I adore Abe’s graying muzzle. I love his old man hippity hop that he displays after one too many rounds of playing ball. I love Chico’s ever bulging eyeballs that seem to bulge more the older he […]