Tag: cooking for dogs
The Pack Mom Daily Bite- Freeze Dried Dog Food

Abe and Chico are feasting on freeze dried dog food this month and so far, they are loving it. If you have read my prior blogs you probably know that I rotate their food monthly. Once they finish a batch of one meat filled creation, they move on to something new and different. They […]
Yesterday’s Update: Cameras, Cooking and Favorite Cat Tuna

Yesterday we started the day filming for eHow.com. I had help from a few canines to make the segments fun and c-r-a-z-y to shoot! Abe, Chico, Sierra and Teddy. Abe got into the garbage, Chico barked his butt off, Sierra ingested a toy and we had to induce vomitting and Teddy…was perfect 🙂 Our topics […]