Tag: pet industry
Musical Beds- Kids and Pets- Welcome to My Life

If you have pets or kids or kids and pets, you know that oftentimes a good night’s sleep is just a memory of what once was. At least, this is the case in my home. Musical beds is what I call it and in the end, everyone goes for the same one. […]
PetBox- The Pack Mom Review

Mail delivery has gone to the dogs! And, in this case, cats too! A few weeks ago, we were contacted by PetBox and asked to write a review on their monthly pet goody box service. We were more than happy to oblige. We returned from our walk one morning and there it was on our […]
Life- I’m All In

About ten years ago, my husband and I and our group of friends jumped on the poker bandwagon. We would host or attend dinner parties and end many late nights with round after round of poker, all with a whopping $5 buy in. I was always, without fail, the first one out of the […]